You ever sit by a quiet lake early in the morning?
It's silent. It's mesmerizing. It's zen.
I planned a quick escape up to my brothers house in Michigan. He lives on one of those inland lakes that are perfect for water sports. It's big enough for small power and ski boats to pull tubes and water skiers. The sound of laughter and joyously screaming children permeates everywhere through the summer months. The sound of ducks quacking and swans snorting rise over the lake as more people take to the water throughout the day.
He lives in a gorgeous 3 story structure that he helped design and build. Tall, multi level windows facing south give a panoramic view of the lake. His house is austere and uncluttered. There are a few personal items about, but it's graciously appointed yet bare bones. I like that the photo I gave him years ago of the two of us as children adorns the living area. It's a comfortable place to descend upon and he was quite accommodating for allowing us to do so.
Saturday I awoke earlier than usual. The rest of the house was still. Deep sleep murmurs from the girls and no movement from upstairs, so I went out to the dock to sit, with Sienna by my side. Just a girl and her dog sitting at waters edge. Everything sparkling with fresh dew. Watching the sun rising and the mist off the lake. Little prisms of light dancing off reflective surfaces. No sound. Just a few birds, nothing. Peace. And quiet.
It was beautiful. I enjoyed the time sitting alone with my thoughts.
And to watch and hear the world come alive.
It started with a lone ski boat on the far side of the lake. And then a jet ski. And another. Then add two more ski boats, 8 pontoon boats and next all you see and hear are the whining engines of boats. And the joyous sound that emanates when children and water are mixed together.
By mid morning the sand bar is full of boats with their occupants on various inflatable devices consuming the contents of their coolers. It's a all day party affair that happens every warm day of summer. I wondered if that's why they call it a sand 'bar'.
My daughter brought a friend with her and Uncle Chuck was willing to do the girls bidding at every turn. And turn he did on the lake with them dragging 30 feet behind on the Bonzai tube. Round and round and round the lake we went with the girls asking for more each time we went to stop. I wondered how young girls don't ever seem to tire. Did I once have that much energy? That much gusto? I suppose I did. And some days I still do. They just don't seem to be as frequent as they once were.
We all had a wonderful time on our little 'vacation' up to my brothers abode...swimming, tubing, and blowing up multiple floaties to play on. One raft, reminiscent of the one I saw down at Mohican on the river...palm tree, back rests and cup holders. The other a 6 foot high hamster wheel for the water. It's much more efficient to use on land, as while on water it just spun in the same place landing the girls each and every time on their chins. No one seemed to mind too much, the pleasure of being IN a human size blowup hamster wheel was worth any pain that said falling might bring on. It was the perfect place to spend a few lazy days of summer when the temperatures soared above the 90 degree mark.
After last weeks discombobulation, it was good to have a place of zen to go to. Sometimes it's just good to get away, even if for a short time. I had such a relaxing weekend that I actually brought home with me a little of the lake mud and water in an empty wine bottle. If I feel the need to get back to the solitude, the zen, the peace of the lake...I can just pull out the bottle and swish it around. If I put my ear up and listen closely, the sound of laughter can be heard.
I just have to think about it.
And it'll be there.
Zen in a bottle. A wine bottle.
Maybe it's not zen after all...
but kismet.
Something about water: waves, lakes, pools.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually posting about floating later this week.
So soothing.
The whole amniotic thing??
Sounds nice.
reading your words makes me feel all zenny
ReplyDeleteThere's just nothing quite like water to relax and recharge....
ReplyDeleteI wish more people had a place like that; there would be less road rage and more happy drivers then :)
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you mean! When we go on vacation (which always involves some body of water)rather than sleeping in I can't wait to get up earlier than everyone else and sit by the water. It's so rejuvenating. Sounds like a great getaway!
ReplyDeleteZen in a bottle. Perhaps you can cork it and sell it for all of us who need a little more Zen in our life.
ReplyDeleteYour brother's place sounds idyllic, and it sounds as though you made great use of the time you spent there. What a wonderful idea to bottle a piece of it to take home, a charming thought.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this zen-like moment. After spending a weekend at home with my family, I feel like I really need a mini vacation - away from them. Perhaps, I just need to drink more wine.
ReplyDeleteWow... I feel very relaxed after reading your description of the lake. That sounds like an awesome place to be. Maybe the lady friend and I need to road trip up to that area sometime.
ReplyDeleteSounds ideal, even if just for a few days. Something about relaxing around water and nature makes stress just evaporate. Glad you had a nice visit.
ReplyDeleteWater is a great source of peace for me. And zen in a bottle sounds divine. Hope you are having a great Monday.
ReplyDeleteZen. Hmm...I think you're onto something.
ReplyDeleteWow Nancy, sounds like you had a fantabulous time at your brothers. Kudos on the way you described your zen moment. It made me feel like I was there. Finding ones zen or chi, even for a moment, is a wonderful feeling. Glad you were able to bottle some of it up and take it with you.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been reading you that long, my dear...but this post was incredible. Your descriptive words made me feel like I was right there beside you on that dock (move over, Sienna!). I could see it, I could feel it, I was there. Extraordinary post...and the ending was perfection. Am I gushing? You betcha.
ReplyDeleteI really like all the details in your post. I actually need a place like that to go to and relax. I guess when I move, I will find me a place like that. =o)
ReplyDeleteExcellent post!
Awww - you guys!
ReplyDeleteAll your comments are making me all verklempt! I'm glad that you liked the post. And if anyone wants to join the zen party, let me know if your planning on being in the Detroit area...there's room for everyone! Let me know and I'll be there!
Did I happen to mention my brother hosts a "Big Kahuma' party each year complete with Ice Luge? Yeah...c'mon by. I'll bring the vodka.
ReplyDeleteIt was an excellent effort made by you through your nice piece of writing, holding the quality and knowledge together for the readers.