When I first read it I thought it said the "Honest Crap Award" which would have been more fitting, but I sure to appreciate that fact that he thinks I'm worth reading, crap or no crap.
The award is to honor those who 'write from the heart'. That being said, "I thank you Indigo, from all my heart."
Indigo was one of my first followers when I started blogging. And surprisingly has stayed with me this entire adventure. Of that I am grateful. I am also grateful to have found a blogbud here in the blogosphere that I can consistently count on for good stories and quite a few laughs. You MUST, I repeat, MUST go a check him out. He's a gem.
Now for the nitty-gritty. I'm supposed to tell you 10 things about myself, that you don't know already. First, WHY you want to know these things, I wouldn't fathom to guess. But here it is. Remember I don't respond to black-mail attempts. :-)
1. I own 43 black t shirts. I own 51 white t's and 27 gray. I hang my t-shirts because I don't like to iron them if I don't have to. So I have a whole row in my dressing room comprised only of t-shirts. Sick, isn't it.
2. I wish I were 2 inches taller. And the full 2 inches I want added to my leg length like Ethan Hawke did in that movie Gattaca. Without the pain, thanks. It'd make my visits to the tailor less expensive. Plus then I'd be close to the same height as Chrissy, so I wouldn't feel like a little shit when we meet up for girls dinner night.
3. I love bread pudding. Except those versions with chocolate. Don't like that, at all.
4. I used to be a synchronized swimmer. I was the one holding her breath on the bottom of the pool, so my partner could do fancy things with her legs above the water line. Biatch.
5. I like big dogs. If you reach their backs to pet them while standing, they aren't dogs.
6. My dream vacation if to travel to Macu-Pichu. I want to hike up to it. I've been breaking in my hiking boots, just so I'm ready.
7. I hate needles. And yet, I was one week away from starting medical school. Hmmm. Odd, isn't it.
8. My brothers name is Charles. But he calls himself Chuck. Me, dad and my daughter are the only ones that call him Charles. My mother said "Chuck is a cut of beef." And I call him Charles's. Because growing up, everything was Charles's room, Charles's stereo, Charles's car...need I go on?
9. I used to have a bright green ski suit. With a bright orange zipper. And Dolimite green ski boots. I thought I was cool. I must have looked like a big bugger up there on those white slopes.
10. I want to buy a Vespa scooter with a side car. And wear old fashioned goggles.
Now, I am to pass this prestigious award onto 10 bloggers of note. There are many that I follow that deserve this. However, the ones listed below win the prize this time! I tried to give this to people that hadn't gotten this award in the past. However, I may have duplicated one of two. But I like the sound of double or nothing!
1. JennyMac @ Let's have a cocktail. She's cool, she's talented, she's got it all baby...AND a cocktail. Need I say more?
2. Daniel @ Street Art & Graffiti in TelAviv and me. He has some amazing photographs and wonderful poetry. Powerful stuff. And definitely from the heart.
3. Mean Stepmom @ You're not my Real Mom. She's got some stories! And these are good ones. Take yourself over to see what the deep south holds.
4. LadyTruth @ Happily After Ever. Fabulous stories, however some of the journeys there in South Africa can be heart wrenching. She's a doll. Just love her...
5. Heather Kathleen @ A Mouthy Irish Woman? Ridiculous. She's got wit and wisdom. Go figure. She's Irish!
6. The Squirrel Queen @ The Road to Here. She has some amazing photographs to share and inspirational quotes to compliment them. There isn't a morning that goes by that I don't stop in and bask in the moment.
7. M @ Equisitely Wasted. She recently lost her mother and some of her stories just wrench your heartstrings. I do like stopping by.
8. Anna @ Storm in a Wineglass. I love the look of her blog. Mine is all gray and dark contrast. Hers is exactly the opposite. Her posts are so open that sometimes I feel a bit voyeuristic on her life. And I like it. :-)
9. Kathryn @ From the Inside...Out. She's a newbie to the blogger world and deserves more traffic than she has. I have the honor of being one of her first followers, so I have a mama bird responsibility for her as well!
10. Matthew @ AbodeOneThree. Extremely talented writer, great story teller and now, good friend from across the pond. He's just a wonderful human. I stumbled across him months ago by accident and now ever so glad I did.
Well that was hard, and yet easy at the same time. My life is a dichotomy, so why shouldn't an award list be as well!

The rules for this is slightly easier. I must pass this french beauty onto 2 deserving blogs and tell you 10 things that I adore today.
First my list of adoration...
1. My daughter. Every morning when I wake her up, her little arms come up and round my neck and she tells me, "I love you Mommy." Everyday my heart breaks as I see her grow and everyday she puts it back together, again.
2. My new foundation by Make Up Forever. It's HD, who knew they made High Definition makeup? But it makes my skin look flawless. So damn worth the money.
3. The quiet house to myself last night. Pin drop? Yup. I can hear it. No one else was home! Awesome!
4. My catch-up girls night out dinner with Chrissy. She just lies on the other side of town, but jeez, you'd think she lived in another state by how infrequently we actually DO this.
5. My newly refurbished master bedroom and dressing room. Oh, and the new sheets that I had to buy to match the new wall color. Very cool. THAT project was a long time in the making...
6. My bloggy buds. I get some of the nicest e-mails and comments from these people. Who would have thought that this big internet world we live in I would find such wonderful people?! Awesome.
7. The book I'm reading. It's actually an older book, but I'm re-reading the series because a new volume is coming out next week...I want to be ready. The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. Each book is 900+ pages of fabulousness. This will be the 7th in the series. I've been waiting!!!
8. My morning coffee. Without it, what would I do! My afternoon RedBull. Without it, what would I do! My evening glass of wine. Without it, what would I do! I think I see a trend here....
9. The sound of the cicadas in the evening.
10. The sound of my neighbor dragging their trash can to the curb at 5am. Oh sorry, that's not on the list of things I ADORE. Take the damn thing out the night before! Geez...morons.
(jump back to stage 3 of #8.)And the two deserving individuals to get this lovely award are (drum roll, please)
Ron @ Vent for his wit, and charm, and love of black turtlenecks. We are brotha & sista from a different motha...I'm sure of it. There just isn't any DNA to prove it, yet.
Chrissy @ I Shoulda Been a Stripper because I know she doesn't have this one and if she knew I had it and she didn't, well...we don't want that happening, now do we...
So thank you, thank you, thank you. I love adding these lovely pieces of art to my sidebar. It makes me feel all special!
Oh my, thank you! I'm so touched and honored. And your blog rocks! :)
ReplyDeletecongracts ... u r awarded....
ReplyDeleteI also hate to iron...so my mother does that!!!!
Hats off to you to the J'adore tien Blog award! We certainly do! And for the extremely kind thoughts about my blog. More heroic nonsense soon. Indigo.
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome Nancy. Congrats on your well deserved awards. Thank you for passing it along to me and for your kind words.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with your Mom about "chuck". LOL.
Two awards in one day...Congratualations Nancy! Well deserved. Great lists.
ReplyDeletei'm so impressed by your choice of vacation, can i go with you. when my grandmother passed, we found like 38 white turtlenecks all lined up in one row in her closet, it was amazing!
ReplyDeleteThat's a very masculine looking award - just what I needed! Thank you so much for thinking of me when you had to pass it on.
ReplyDeleteThanks also for your kind words. I will work on being better at accepting compliments and, until then, let's just say that I really, truly appreciate what you said.
@ Mean Stepmom - You are welcome! And you know what...I think YOUR blog rocks as well! Sharin' the love. :-)
ReplyDelete@asit dhal - I wish I had someone to iron. YOU are lucky!
@Indigo - Love yor heroic nonesense...it makes my day!
@JennyMac - Thank you! I really Do enjoy reading your escapades. I can't remember how I even stumbled on your blog, but am glad that I did!
@Theresa - I KNOW! Odd isn't it! 2! In one day! Looks like it's going to be a good weekend! :-)
@MegFee - Hey, get your boots out! I'll let yoiu know when I go. The more the merrier! Wow. I would've gotten on nicely with your grandmother. What great taste! And 38! Solid!
@Matthew - I was going to pass on the Frenchy cheeky one to youi, but that just wouldn't do. Not a manly man like yourself. ;-)
You ARE extrememly talented. I going to work on finding out how to publish your works...
Now to get away from my computer screen for a bit....
Congrats on the awards! You totally deserve them, and the great news for the rest of us is the recommendations of some other wonderful blogs to check out!
ReplyDeleteI love big dogs too. But, speaking of crap, big dogs make big poop. That I do not like.
Happy weekend!!!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Although I am still hung up on the amount of t-shirts that you own, it blows my mind!!!
ReplyDeleteConfession. I have read all of the Outlander series to date. May even have to get the new one. Oh the shame:).
ReplyDelete@ Leah - Thanks darlin'! It looks like it's going to be a good weekend for me! How can it not when I feeling so much love!
ReplyDelete@Eyes Wide Open - Yes. My dogs DO make large kaka. However, I have a small scale, disposable gloves and neighbor kids.
I give them all gloves, scoops and bags and pay them by the pound of what they pick up. By the way they run around, you'd think it was Easter Egg hunting! (I'm so bad...)
@ LPC - They may not be of the high brow literary quality, but they are definitely a good read! Guilty pleasures. Like bubble baths and bonbons!
"Honest Crap". What a clever line. I mean, truly ingenious. Brilliant.
Hey Sista!
ReplyDeleteThank you SOOOOO much for this adorable award! OMG...the graphic is just tooo COOL! I love anyting French - oui, oui!
But mostly, I want to thank you for your friendship. It's been an absolute pleasure getting to know you. And we have Miss Chrissy to thank for that too. Thank you Chrissy!! You gals are the bomb!
Hey...and the more I read about you the more I know we're kin. I too would love to go to Macu-Pichu. I had a dear friend who went there this past year and LOVED it!
Thanks again for passing on this award, Nancy. And congrats to all the recipients of both awards!
@ Chris - Did we have a mind meld? Hmmm. It IS sincere merde, isn't it?
ReplyDelete@Ron - I knew you'd like it! YOU are more than welcome. You can come to Macu Pichu with Christine and I. I'm hiking it and she is sitting on the train drinking lemon drops. Now who you going to hang with? Ha!
(I already know the answer...)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for my Crap Award! (Gee...do you think they'd mind if we Photoshopped it?) As my blogbud and mentor, it means a lot to me to receive this from you...and to know I'm in such terrific company...(Hi, Chrissy! HI, RON!!) I look forward to getting to know the others on your list. I've loved your blog from the first moment I entered...and I love the new 3-D globe-thingie on your sidebar.
I'm still laughing at the one about the coffee and the Red Bull & the wine. I bought Red Bull because of you, have yet to try it. Now, I'll look for that foundation. Thanks again.
Congratulations on your awards. You are so very deserving. I enjoy each of my visits here. I never leave without learning something new. Unlike some blogs I have read, yours in NEVER boring. I look forward to every post. I also loved reading all the personal tidbits you shared. I agree with your persective on dogs. The synchronized swimming is so awesome. You really are amazing!
ReplyDeleteThat was some honest scrap!. I like your new header btw.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your awards and thanks for sharing. I appreciate all the kind words about my blog. I love when we share personal things, it is a great way to get to know each other here in the blog universe. I totally understand about the extra two inches of height, it would be wonderful to never hem another pair of pants. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your awards!!! I'm here getting caught up on a week's worth of blog reading. Is there any coffee? Happy Saturday!
ReplyDelete@Kathryn - I think photoshoping that would be a GRAND idea. It would fit MY blog oh-so-much better if it said 'crap', that's for sure! Please DO send me a copy if you do it! Love being your 'mentor' although the title doesn't quite fit me, it seems soon it will be YOU to be my mentor!
ReplyDelete@Rae - Geez! Thanks Rae! Your words are SO kind. I would've passed this beauty on to you, but you have requested no more awards for your wonderful blog! I like your comments and having you stop by. YOU are welcome anytime!
@ Carlos - You know, you were the FIRST to give me the Honest Scrap award! I don't think I gave you credit for that. But I AM grateful! :-)
@SquirrelQueen - Wouldn't it be nie to never have to hem pants! But I suppose those ladies that are tall probbly want to have longer pants...always greener.
@Julie - The second pot of coffee is on! I'll share! But maybe come back for coctail hour...that's always more fun.;-)
Congrats on these awards; you truly deserve them :) And thank you for mentioning me! I love these awards cause I get to know people a little bit better, like the fact that you don't fold your t-shirts: me neither! I don't care if it takes up so much space, I'm with you on the whole not-ironing-thing. And the sound of cicadas in the evening? One of my favorite "songs" to listen to at night :) Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteWow, two awards?! Congratulations! And you're right, you know I have to have everything you have. Awards, HD makeup. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteNo, you don't need to be taller. Then how will I be able to tell you if your part is straight? :-)
What a great honor to be part of the list of so many amazing blogs.
ReplyDeleteLoving some of the recommendations which I will start following myself.
Congrats on the awards! I love checking out all the recipients... so many fun blogs out there to read! Including yours!
ReplyDeleteLook at you go! You definitely deserve all of the awards you get. Your blog is on my must-read list. (Sadly, I've got some catching up to do, as you can obviously see... but I'm getting there!)
ReplyDeleteWow - thank you so much!!
ReplyDeleteLife has been so crazy lately that I've barely had time to read other blogs, let alone write much on my own, but you're on top of the list as soon as I get a moment!
Thanks again!!
The Honest Crap Award - LOL - I would be a candidate for that version of the award, too. I'm with ya on the Vespa - always wanted a lime green one :D
ReplyDeleteI wish I was two inches shorter! So I hear you surrounding being nitpicky about something as small as two inches.
ReplyDeleteNote: My Dad bought a Vespa with a side cart on it. He took me cruising when I went home to the boonies. Not going to lie, the actual experience of being in it made me think I was in a death trap and the only place that little attachment could end up was with me in a ditch.